Tuesday, August 24, 2021

πŸ’₯ Dangerous flammable creatures! III

Klikk her PΓ… NORSK 


The candidate of the Socialist Left Party and Fredrikstad City Council is a human trafficker!

Salah Hassan Abdullah Al-Saadi  Salah Hassan Abdullah Al-Saadi

In the quiet town of Fredrikstad, Norway, a shocking revelation has emerged that sheds light on the dark world of human smuggling and deceit. At the center of this disturbing tale this person, who was not only involved in smuggling operations but also managed to manipulate society and law enforcement to further his criminal endeavors. 


The Smuggling Operation.

Story begins in Rome 2008 July, Italy, where he orchestrated a smuggling operation, transporting individuals from Rome to Gardermoen, Norway. This operation was part of a sinister network of human traffickers who preyed on vulnerable individuals. These were people who had escaped from the hell of their slavery in the city of Crotona after being imprisoned in a house by the head of the smugglers.

Salah Hassan Abdullah Al-Saadi  Salah Hassan Al-Saadi

Human traffickers in Rome and making important calls before the smuggling operation



Zainab Abdulkarim - Salah Hassan Al-Saadi

Zainab Abdulkarim

Salah Hassan Al-Saadi

These are lists of smuggling operations in 2008:

Role 1: Assisting immigrants in reaching Italy after using fake art exhibitions as a cover.

Role 2: Providing support for smuggling them into Norway with agreed-upon financial incentives.

Cover operation: Exploiting fake art exhibitions and maintaining the appearance of official processes to ensure financial benefits from deceived government authorities and immigrants.

The lists are formal; other immigrants, whose names are not present in these lists, have been included. All were successfully smuggled to Schengen countries.

Ψ΅Ω„Ψ§Ψ­ Ψ§Ω„Ψ΄Ψ±ΩˆΩƒΩŠ, Salah Hassan Abdullah Al-Saadi, Norway ,  Zainab abdulkarim

"Influential officials at the municipality were convincingly deceived through the artworks of the victims, gifts and the false exhibition concept by the smugglers."

False Cases and Police Lawyer (Hege - HFI004) in Fredrikstad.

What makes the story even more alarming is the web of deception and corruption that was woven around it. Over a period of two years, an individual concocted over seven false cases, collaborating with a police lawyer to execute nefarious plans. These false cases were meticulously designed to manipulate the legal system and wreak havoc in the lives of innocent people.

The strategy employed by human traffickers was to control the lives of immigrants by fabricating false cases against them. The aim was to deprive them of their right to citizenship, leaving them vulnerable to manipulation and extortion.

Legal false cases through correspondence and postal communication. 

Salah Hassan Al-Saadi , Norway, Zainab Abdulkarim

Salah Hassan Abdullah Al-Saadi Fredrikstad

Salah Hassan Abdullah Al-Saadi Fredrikstad  Salah AlSaadi, Ψ΅Ω„Ψ§Ψ­ Ψ§Ω„Ψ³Ψ§ΨΉΨ―ΩŠ ,Fredrikstad, Viken, Norway


Cunningly, he exploited his new spouse Qatranada Adnan Abdulhussein., whom he brought from Iraq, by filing false cases in her name against innocent victims, all with the complicity of a police lawyer in the city who helped the individual and his spouse write these false cases.


Deceptive Tactics.

The methods employed were cunning and manipulative. The individual used their knowledge of the victims and their surroundings to create a web of lies. he even went as far as to involve their spouse, to further his deceptive schemes. The victims, unaware of their true intentions, had no reason to suspect these ulterior motives.


Paid agent.

One fateful night, the police knocked on the door of an innocent victim's apartment, armed with reports signed by the city police office. What followed was a series of bewildering accusations that Al-Saadi had orchestrated. One such accusation involved an alleged attempt to kill his wife on National Day with a knife, a claim that was clearly fabricated.

The Power of Deceit and Corruption.

Power lay in his ability to manipulate not only the victims but also the police and legal system. He managed to convince police lawyer Hege (HFI004) to support his false claims and initiate legal proceedings against innocent individuals. This lawyer, blinded by deceit or motivated by personal gain, relentlessly pursued these baseless cases.

His criminal history in Chicago, USA, prior to his arrival in Norway and seeking asylum, is noteworthy. He deceived immigration authorities by claiming to be coming from Iraq and concealing his Green Card status. In Haugesund - Tysvær, he committed various crimes, including threatening an Iraqi woman named Khansa with a knife, a crime he later used to falsely accuse the victims in Fredrikstad in 2014 by his wife.

He also burned his own car and falsely accused a friend of arson in an attempt to harm his friend's by telling the police his friend did that. He has been involved in numerous fraud cases.

A case involving a homeowner occurred before Fredrikstad municipality granted him a house. After he moved to Fredrikstad, he caused problems for the homeowner from whom he was renting a house. He deceived the police by falsely claiming that a criminal had entered his house. Salah attempted to harm the homeowner's reputation.

After he had advance notice from the homeowner that he would be visiting the house to repair the water heater!

When the police arrived at the scene and took fingerprints, they later discovered that the intruder was the actual homeowner and not a criminal.

In 2013, he embezzled 16,000 Norwegian Kroner from the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration. Later, the they found out that he had over 100,000 Kroner in one of his bank accounts. After this discovery, he claimed not to know the Norwegian language. Police helped him once again in closing his case after he claimed that he didn't understand the Norwegian language and had made a mistake in his application, despite working as a Norwegian language translator.

In 2014, he sent his wife to collaborate with the police lawyer (Hege Finsveen - HFI004) to prepare unethical cases against the victim who had been smuggled into Norway, in an attempt to extort money.

In 2016, He, his wife, and the police lawyer (Hege - HFI004) lost all their cases after two years of manipulating the laws for their own schemes, weaving lies, spending resources, and pursuing lawsuits relentlessly, and the victim prevailed. However, the criminal network continues its desperate attempts to obtain additional smuggling money.


The Triumph of Truth.

Despite the web of lies and deception spun by this individual and his corrupt allies, justice eventually prevailed. The courts in Norway are renowned for their integrity, and the truth could not remain hidden. The victims, along with their honest lawyer Sigurd Vestrheim, stood their ground and presented irrefutable evidence of their innocence.

In the end, the judge ruled in favor of the victims, acquitting them of all charges. The corrupt lawyer's attempts to imprison them were thwarted, and her unethical behavior was exposed. The Special Investigation Unit on Police Affairs claims that the police went too far with these fraudulent spouses for unknown reasons.


Salah Hassan Al-Saadi - SV

These false cases, which persisted for over 15 years against the victims, were concocted by smugglers and activated by some corrupt elements within the police, including lawyers. They all ended in defeat in the fair Norwegian courts, despite the hysterical police lawyers' objections to the judge's decision.



The shocking tale of these human smugglers serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of human smuggling and the depths of deceit and corruption that some individuals are willing to descend into. It also highlights the justice system in Norway and the power of truth to triumph over deception. While this criminal activities have been exposed, the scars and trauma inflicted upon his victims remain, a haunting reminder of the sinister world of human smuggling and deceit.


Salah Hassan Al-Saadi SV , Zainab Abdulkarim

Salah Art Salah Hassan Al-Saadi , Zainab Abdulkarim, Salah Art Salah Hassan Al-Saadi SV

The photo is from the public Facebook page of SV

This individual is a candidate for the Socialist Left Party in the Fredrikstad City Council in 2023!


Today, this individual is a candidate for the Socialist Left Party in the Frederikstad City Council in 2023.

While the other smuggler employs a different approach to deceive society, they take advantage of the laxity of the law and the benevolence of the Norwegian people. 


Smugglers actively seek to engage with law enforcement personnel, political entities, and municipal councils. This strategic approach not only alleviates suspicions surrounding their illicit activities but also provides them with legal support and control over the individuals they have smuggled, pressuring them for additional funds following smuggling operations in Norway. Consequently, they continue to receive support and protection against legal prosecution today, thanks to elements that have backed and granted them impunity for years.

All the evidence, information, and photos are documented. There are also audio recordings of some people in the city, where this person was telling them about his plan to use the police to threaten the victims and attempt to destroy them with their help. Additionally, there are written correspondences with one of his friends, where he expresses regret about smuggling the victims and informs him that he will use the police to arrest and deport them from Norway. The corrupt police lawyer supported this individual and his wife, rejecting any attempts to compensate the victims or penalize this individual and his wife.

The smugglers are duping society. Take a look at this deceptive article on Varden.no. The truth was revealed in the comments, where attached details about their smuggling activities, exposing their lies to society. Shockingly, Varden.no deleted the comments, shirking their ethical responsibility to unveil the truth and choosing to mislead the public instead.

Salah Hassan  Al-Saadi, SV , Zainab Abdulkarim - Zainab Art


Salah Hassan Abdullah Al-Saadi Fredrikstad

Murder in Fredrikstad!

"A human smuggler is currently a candidate for the Norwegian Socialist Left Party (SV) in Fredrikstad for 2023."


A game of human traffickers and the police lawyer with false cases!
Over seven false cases, made up by Iraqi human smuggler with a corrupt Norwegian police lawyer which corporate with him for More than two years, and lost them all in court Fredrikstad city!

Smugglers in Norway can control your life, and make false cases in cooperation with the police lawyers who deal with them and support them. The aim of my torture was to deprive me of my right to citizenship, they control immigrants through false cases and try to ruin their lives.


Salah Hassan Abdullah Al-Saadi Fredrikstad

Salah Hassan Al-Saadi - Zainab Abdulkarim



Zainab friend Salah moved from his town " Haugesund - TysvΓ¦r " To my city "Fredrikstad" After knowing that I live in Fredrikstad city through his friend the smuggler Zainab.. she give him all my information after she took my information from friends around me who they know me, she sent him as one of her soldiers in evil, after their smuggling operation in 2008.


As soon as he knew that I had moved to Fredrikstad and that my life was fine through his friend the smuggler (Zainab), he separated and ended his (temporary marriage) "almutea". 

I didn't know that he was trying to make fake cases for me through his wife name, he used to visit me and always smile and take souvenir photos with me... 
Besides I never saw his wife face or even know her name 


The police knocked on the door of my apartment at 12:00 am, a group of police, with a report signed by the city police office. I asked the police to come in, I was trying to host them. I asked if they wanted coffee, tea or water, this is how I deal with all people who enter my place, I've never had a similar situation in my life police come to my door!
I have never dealt with a police in my whole life and I have never been to a police station in my entire life! I thought I should host the police and give them food and drink just as I used to do with others.


Salah Hassan Al-Saadi - Zainab Abdulkarim

Farmanns gate 13, Fredrikstad 

My apartment was in this four-apartment building only downtown Farmanns gate 13 

I lived here on the third floor, an apartment for me, and an apartment for my Norwegian student friends. The second floor is an apartment for a guitarist, and the other apartment is for a photographer! 

They asked for my ID. They thought they had entered the wrong place. They wanted to verify over and over again, and I tell them with kiddy smile, yes, it's me, this is me! I never realised they come to me with a bogus false case! they asked me if I know Iraqi lady her name Qatranada, I said I have no relation with any of those people anymore no woman no man, I told them perhaps the smuggler Z she's the great evil forces in Norway the false Iraqi plastic artist in Skien, they said no her name is Q
Their faces were filled with bewilderment, just like me.


They said this person claims that you wanted to kill her on the National Day in the city! With a knife in the street and her husband witness! Note that I have one blind knife that is not sharp and my girlfriend always complains about it because it is bad when we make are the food, size is very large... my girlfriend told them about that later.


Salah Hassan Al-Saadi - Zainab Abdulkarim

The ease of deceiving the city police with lies by the lying couple and moving them like puppets easily!

first case
Registered in the name of his wife! Not to communicate with her or contact her and attended my visits to her, and I have no idea who is she!!!
The date of the fabricated crime 17.05.2014 This was also in the month of Ramadan.. I wasn't know he made a deal that's corrupt police in that city and their lawyer.

Farmanns gate 13, Fredrikstad city 


They found my artworks, unfinished paintings, a chaos of colors and quiet music (secret garden) , an atmosphere far from the contents of the document that accompanied them.. They told me it seemed Something went wrong! You have to go to the center on Monday and verify the authenticity of this report! And wish me a good night!

On Monday morning, I went to the Fredrikstad police station and they said, "Is that you?" Oh really? 
It seemed like a joke!! Through their reaction and their astonishment, I knew that they portrayed me to the police as a criminal or a wild beast! As she did the smuggler his friend with the poor owner of the association for the children's and his picture of us that he is a criminal and a child trader! after she trafficking groups to Schengen countries in the name of the children and the association.


The policewoman left her seat and got up and left the window were the people talking through!
She opened the door and asked me to enter, laughing after she saw the dangerous criminal in her eyes.. She asked me to sit down and  she went.  She asked the investigator to come and take a look at me.. I had large bags to carry the artworks and designs for an exhibition that I was required to design and implement in the museum!


fredrikstad politistasjon

Fredrikstad City Police Station where smuggler wife Salah, she used to hang out with her husband in it for two years by defrauding them to activate false cases for me, they were pleased to servers them!

She came with the female investigator talking and laughing... The female investigator told me with a smile, there is an Iraqi woman who claims that you tried to kill her on the National Day in the city!  


I told her that I do not know anyone here who is Iraqi, and I have no friends from them, and I do not have relations with Iraqi women of that quality! I work at a museum in the capital and try to avoid these dangerous creatures as much as possible, I changed my name and I don't belong to these criminal groups, and this is proof! 


The capital is two hours from Fredrikstad by train and I live with color, paper and fabric and I have no extra time! And my relationship only with the Norwegians.

The detective lady patted my shoulder and said go.. go to work we will close the case! I understand. I told her just tell me who is she? Who is with her?

I said is she (zainab) from Skien again??? 

who is with her?


They said no... This is her husband's name (Salah)! I was dumbfounded! 

He was hiding his name from the case and they didn't tell me his name just after my insistence!

He took pride in evil after I knew his game! So he removed the last name of his wife on the case and added his name with it.
After the first case was rejected, He went with his wife again and again to keep complaint and appeal again with new details that I want to kill her (with a kitchen knife)! in the street in front of an oriental restaurant and on the National Day and he was with his daughters and he be her witness! As I was told.
I never met his ugly wife and I know nothing about his wife! I don't even know the shape of her face, she wears the Islamic veil, all that people know is that he brought her from Iraq! in 2013 an amount 16,000 kr was embezzled from the NAV social assistance organisation in order to repair her broken rotten teeth, they found he has over 100.000 kr in his bank account, while he apply and use NAV money for living! and it was discovered and referred for investigation as a result! Then he deceived the police again and claimed that he did not know the Norwegian language and he did just mistake. and Fredrikstad police just close the case for him!


It is also not possible to recognise the shape of his wife because of the huge amount of cosmetics that she puts on her face... look like raw materials used in construction and paint!
I haven't been to an oriental restaurant for over a decade, I don't even use Arabic, and I don't miss the past as others do. I have not tasted oriental food for more than a decade!! I eat pizza, hamburger, sushi and the like, and most of my time at work or with my girlfriend having far trips...


There are more than ten cases with different numbers, cases of complaints and appeals that his wife filed with him against me for two years, since 2014, the month of Ramadan, the date of the first case until the winter of 2016. He used his wife to make the case effective and free from suspicion.


There are more than 200 pages of police papers, appeals and cases for two years from the obsessed friend's wife by help the police city against me...

Game for two years more than ten issues!


Meanwhile, I was working in the museum and studying to equalize my certificates! 
The police were closing the case, and her husband was complaining and appealing to reopen it again! In their desperate attempts to harm me in any way or possible way, according to scenarios they brought from their environment.

On that alleged day, I was in the capital, Oslo.. I was filming my journey on the train and National Day Celebrations, sending it to my girlfriend... We had a disagreement over where to celebrate, she said we stay here in Fredrikstad, I said no. there is the capital's celebrations are bigger! but she said I will stay here! I said I will go there.
She was asking me where are you now? and I was try make her jealous by recording to her and sending to her sms, and she was asking me when do you reach your home? I was photographing some of the events of the National Day events in front of the University of Oslo.


Late when my girlfriend found out what happened she said I regret that I didn't listen to you and didn't go with you in that day!


The police kept manoeuvring useless and without excuse, even after I've sent the hard evidence!!I went to the police and I was starting to get tired of the case, I was in a nervous state. Beautiful young girl sit down and listen to me and look at her nail polish and look out through the window! I asked her, I told her do you really listen to liar people that way as a police in Norway?

She said yes our work here to listen to everyone!

I asked her again: so if I bring my girlfriend now and we try to make a false case against anyone in this city, are you going to make a case? She thinking a little bit and said unfortunately.. yes we have to do!

Suddenly, the police lawyer, (H), committed to the case with dedication, and she started doing everything she could to try to accuse me or to formulate an accusation against me!! The police started following her behavior towards me and everything has changed as the police lawyer (H)! 


I sent more than letter to the police and told them I came to Norway for peace. Not to set me up with false battles and cases with criminals fraudsters! My girlfriend contact them and told them it is a silly game can't you understand? but their only goal was to please follow the lawyer leads (H).


I sent all my information and evidence to the police lawyer (H), who I thought she was honest with me that she was asking me to give her all what I have! I wasn't realize she going to throw them and keep them away from my case in the court.

(H) decided to fiercely defend the fraudulent couple by leadership the case.
Police lawyer (H) start translate even my emails to the obsessed friend and she claim that I wrote it to his wife! I told her can't see it is a man's name? I call him in his name? and this is email address man name? she said no... no... his wife use it too! you are contacting his wife!!! she tried all the ways to set me up with the case as guilty! 


When I write with heart broken or burning heart I write books as an email its be many pages over 10,000 words with hot words! the lawyer police (H) she translated his emails the emails I wrote to him talking badly about his shameful doing to me front of God and society! she was try just do her best to be makes them satisfied!


She was trying to make a valid case! All possible means!
But it wasn't enough for her because of she knew its deceptive way and still weak!  
When I saw (H) insist and I start feel she have a deal with those couple!! I requested that my case be taken to court. After my suffering with that police for more than two year, they were easy tool used by those fraudulent couple. 

The last desperate attempt she did sent me a doctor to my home, the man was professional, he called me said: police lawyer  (H) told me: that you are a crazy person, I want to meet you, to make sure of what is being said! Is that okay? I told him of course!

We met up for a cup of coffee, I told the doctor about the details of the trick and the case with documents and proof, and I told him I am a crazy, yes... but crazy about art! 


The doctor knew it was a game and the police were involved in it. The doctor felt bad and it showed on his face! 


He told me I have to go now, I should write a report about what's going on! He wished me a good luck in the case and my life!


The corrupt police lawyer she hid the doctor's report in the court from the case after failing in her flimsy attempt!


In the court…

Before the court begins, before everything (H) the lawyer of the fraudulent couple who was in agreement with them, she asked the judge to imprison me for two months! A double fine and the most severe punishment for me! For unknown reasons! I stand after she spoke after the judge let me and I told him this lady is a liar and she have deal with them! she's trying to help them cause me harm! 
The judge looked silent and stunned for a moment and tell the lawyers solve this case between you!


Note that (H) she realizes that I am innocent as others in the police department who were very nice to me and pat me on my shoulder and said to me we will close the case go to your work! 
( H ) She was very nervous in the court and trembling as if she had been touched by the devil.


Knowing impossible that the Norwegian act in this way in court and even outside it, the Norwegian is a special peaceful human who speaks calmly and thinks calmly and does not have that evil way of talking!

She was screaming and closing her eyes and shaking her head when she spoke and yelling at the lawyer and arguing and my lawyer tells her calmly with self confidence, no, he's not guilty... and she screams and tells him yes he is guilty... she was use unprofessional way for argument and defense! I really couldn't understand her behavior! because of she was talk to me nice before the court as she believe me.



The lawyer (H) has no proof or evidence other than the lies of these couple, and after each strange situation, silence prevails due to the strangeness acting!! The judge looks at her and to us with eyes full of wisdom, awareness and patience! above the lenses of his glasses... 


"These moments of silence, were whispering the truth in the court!" 


As for the evidence, it has been lost the evidence that proves my innocence, which I sent to (H) the police lawyer before the court.
Text messages between me and my girlfriend, photos and videos that were recorded and captured on my mobile device at the same time in Oslo! I was asking the judge to look at the evidence and say there is nothing here!
What documents are you talking about? And he re-search in the papers! I did not find the evidence in court was missing!


But my lawyer Sigurd, my words and my presence were enough to understand the game for the judge with my mobile Iphone and Mac! The judge had the wisdom and prudence to rule at the first sight of the session!


(The obsessed friend, he tried to deceive, but God's deception was greater)


My mobile device recorded my presence in the capital through location data, photos, videos, and Google maps! While his beautiful wife Angelina Jolie just lied about me being in Fredrikstad at the same time! Then she gave a different timing later to my lawyer after he asked herfor the time again! Her husband the obsessed friend was a perjured witness in court! he used her to employs her to throw their affliction on people and he be her witness! Which made the people in the city warn of their evil!

Salah Hassan Al-Saadi - Zainab Abdulkarim

Salah Hassan Al-Saadi - Zainab Abdulkarim 


In Oslo while obsessed friend and his wife claimed that I was trying to kill her with a knife in Fredrikstad and in 17. May! in same time!

Note that in 17. May you can't look at your feet because of the crowd!

The police lawyer (H) prevented these evidence from reaching the court!

The judge revealed the game easily!  

Salah Hassan Al-Saadi - Zainab Abdulkarim Ali Ω‘

Zainab Abdulkarim - Salah Hassan Al-Saadi


The seven cases prepared by the police lawyer (Hege) in cooperation with the Iraqi couple in Fredrikstad city after two-year war of false charges and cases made up by police that city with premeditation! 



His wife contradicted her statements and exposed her lies by herself, in front of my lawyer after he asked her!! She changed her words differently and the time, revealing the contradiction of the previous lie!


Zainab Abdulkarim - Salah Hassan Al-Saadi

  Conclusion of the judgment:



 The judgment was issued without the presence of the convict.

  Fredrikstad District Court on Wednesday 20 January 2016 at 14.00.

 A copy of the judgment is sent to the defense attorney and the Østfold Police District for information.

 raised the court

  The court's decision to lose the smuggler Zainab friend's wife Qatranada Adnan Abdulhusseinthe liar in all the cases after more than two years of false daily cases the case prepared with the help of a city police attorney

From 2014 until 2016


This smuggler is a candidate of the Norwegian Socialist Left Party SV in Fredrikstad now!


Zainab Abdulkarim - Salah Hassan Al-Saadi


The police department lost the case by knockout in the court! After my suffering for more than two years of injustice and deliberate harm! The city's police department lost two years of case fees, lawyers, alleged fines filed through mailings, his wife's translators' wages, and court fees! After the judge wrote that I explained the game beyond any doubt and that it is a fake case made by her husband! 


Smuggler friend fled to the outskirts of town with his scammer wife, moved out of the city to escape the heated scandal in front of the Iraqi people who living in Fredrikstad city after they was visiting him home asking to stop doing this shameful acting but he used to refused their request, after all the Iraqis in the city knew his shameful story with his wife ... after (Fredrikstad Municipality) give him house  in the center of the city and he just change it, so they give him another one out of town, to escape the shame of scandal.

Details with the Iraqis in Fredrikstad. 




Sigurd Vestrheim

Sigurd Vestrheim
An honorable example of an honest Norwegian

The lawyer Sigurd who took the case on his own, it was not the type of case in his jurisdiction, not (for criminal offenses) he told me this case is unfair, I don't want money from you, I just want to be your advocate in this case and we will go to court together in my car! An honest and honorable man.


Police lawyer (H) kept working faithfully and loyalty to these fraudulent Iraqi couple until the end although she knew they are liars she know her husband he has a lot of crimes in (TysvΓ¦r) Haugesund with ladies and Insurance fraud and he burns his car and accused his friend of it, and embezzlement from NAV 16.000 nok I knew that just after his friends knew what he did with me they started call me and tell me his record in that city Haugesund! and ask me to be careful.

The police lawyer (H) complained about the judge's decision to no avail. 

Her complaint was ignored!


Attorney Sigurd sent case to the police about fraud, lying, false claims and incitement through the smuggler criminal network who lived in Skien.

His case have been missing and when I call the police or he calls the police they say (we didn't get any, send again) and he sent again... She get rid of the mails from my lawyer every time!


After police knew that the lawyer Sigurd sending mails and being missed, (H) police lawyer hold on to the new case too, again and she tried to protect the scam Iraqi couple!


Attorney Sigurd he asked the police to exclusion her from the case ((He wrote that she is an incompetent lawyer)).

"The city police of Fredrikstad decided not to take the case against the spouses and not to punish them!"to save face.

Zainab Abdulkarim - Salah Hassan Al-Saadi


2016 November, I've called "Norwegian Bureau for the Investigation of Police Affairs", I told them Fredrikstad police lawyer in some way she have a deal with those Iraqi scam couple. Fredrikstad Police is supporting them! 


Zainab Abdulkarim - Salah Hassan Al-Saadi

Zainab Abdulkarim - Salah Hassan Al-Saadi

Norwegian Bureau for the Investigation of Police Affairs

It was found in the investigation that the city police of Fredrikstad had exaggerated the drift behind the couple lies and believing them, and had gone far with them for reasons that were not understood or known!

The extent of their actions against the police is limited. They're obliged to maintain the image of law enforcement, even when the corruption exists. 

I left my city Fredrikstad because I no longer trusted its police. The police lawyer, (H), she was in full agreement with that criminal fraud couple in the case, in a way that was clear even to the judge. she was a puppet in their hands...


My soul narrowed in that city, no longer feel it as before!
I said goodbye to that beautiful city and that building full of beautiful memories in Farmanns gate 13 with my girlfriend and my friends, they were good people don't know evil... my soul felt safe with them.


Farmanns gate 13, Fredrikstad


I was sure that corrupt lawyer (H) would do everything possible to make new cases for me with those fraud coupleShe takes the case personally for herself and fights a desperate fight even against the judge decision!


2014 I moved to the capital, the great evil forces the smuggler (Z) from Skien followed me and moved to Oslo too perhaps the Iraqi couple give her information about that or the spies she was recruiting to follow my life.

After she failed attempts at subjugation through incitement! My last wrestling with her criminal network friends was with her friend Salah with the help of a police lawyer, who she sent him from Haugesund - TysvΓ¦r to my city, There is no other way.

She also failed by cooperating with the dangerous duo in the Department of Arts (Farah) and (Muhammad) in Sharjah and incitement!


Failed to try to subdue me by writing documents by fake payments!


She also failed in trying to subdue me through the police by forcing me to go to her! Rather, I prefer to be associated with a female gorilla, which weighs more than 350 kg, within the activities of the Arts Festival in Sharjah, rather be with her.





After all this failure, she moved to Oslo in another attempt to know and try control what I am doing to try to find people from her criminal network in Oslo to find way to set me up with one of her criminal friends or to sabotage what can be destroyed through the lie and the doors entry  from behind! She thought she could manipulate people here too. But she deceives the press and manipulates people to get her place as an artist by force, by exploiting the instinct of the Norwegian people to do good and their  kindness.


Such criminals before the American invasion of Baghdad in 2003 were impossible for them to move or commit any criminal act! Simply because they know the type of punishment! The fate that awaits them.

Iraq could not provide me with an alternative homeland for exile and its sufferings! Couldn't even save my simple basic artistic rights, Iraq will not even be able to provide me with soil when I die...

Iraq could not stop the stinking, filthy secretions that his body, afflicted with the gaps and woes of wars, secreted from the hungry bastards of war! Those dangerous creatures that have become everywhere like demons to set up intrigues immoral plots and spread the culture of evil, lies and fake lawsuits in societies, and try to extinguish the star of intellectuals, artists and successful people by all means and methods... rather, it gives a shameful, horrifying, suspicious impression and a feeling of insecurity about that place, and crooked people and personalities who bear that identity or name... That is the reason for their failure to integrate into societies with normal people who love good, peace and security! Of course no generalize not all of them are alike, as there is the good, there is the bad.

It is sad and frustrating... An ideal country like Norway contains this type of criminals forms that are dangerous to society and provides them with housing and protection.

2016.05.03 I obtained the general recognition certificate I was studying and working and cases and problems were being raised on me on a daily basis and came down like rain to fill my mailbox with these creatures loaded with fines from the corrupt police city, through the police attorney attached to a small empty envelope to put the money in and asking me to send it to them in an attempt to deceive me into accepting the guilt and the accusation on me! For two years trying to exhaust me and give up! But I was just tear it up, throw it in the trash, and move on.


What is the value of belonging to that hell named Iraq?, And the value of belonging person to a land, his belonging to it brought him harm, torment, scourge and dangerous, demonic criminal creatures of savages, whose law and destination is not God, not good, not peace not love... but the devil, lie, forgery, slander, fabrication, and aggression!

So that land... It was just a dream! It was just labels!

"Platonic love and useless Socratic principle"!

They told me: do not write about what happened with you! that could affect on your life as an artist and people maybe not like it or like to deal with you, but ((I not give a damn)) to all whosoever not like that! 

I do not draw my life as people like or want to, I view my life the way how it is, from sarcastic, realistic and honest angle, I can't draw it or design it with fake, false dimensions to please others, I don't place my hopes on people! 


(Woe to one who hangs his hopes on other than God!)


No one like problems or get a headache! Or monkeys hanging all time on his back! Life is too short to get lost in this nonsense… so I have changing my name from Mohaymn to Victor and revocation my citizenship, Although the Iraqi Consul and the employee there at the Iraqi Embassy in Oslo tried to change my mind and my opinion about my decision… I told him when that land would be free of criminals and those dangerous flammable creatures… I would be proud of that part of the earth, but we both know that’s will never happened.

I am just no longer feel belong to that place that culture of problems and evil! I belong only to art “my thoughts”.